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Youth Camps

Camp is designed to enhance each player’s technical soccer abilities and tactical aspects in a fun and safe environment. All soccer levels and abilities are welcome.

Event Registration Details
Session I: July 14th - 17th
Ages: 5 - 13
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Cost: $210
(15% Employee Discount)
Camp Registration Dates and Information
Session II: July 21st - 24th
Ages: 5 - 13
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Cost: $210
(15% Employee Discount)


  • Kylee Flynn– Monmouth University Women’s Soccer Head Coach
  • Taylor Laverty – Monmouth University Associate Head Women’s Soccer Coach

Cancellation Policy: 
Cancellation of camp must be submitted in writing and be at least 7-days in advance or full payment is required. Refunds are subjected to a $5 processing fee

Camp Contact:
Taylor Laverty -
Kylee Flynn-